I have to admit....I haven't been working on my quilt. I have a show through my Guild that will be in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Two of my pieces are done but the third has been an issue for me. I have had at least 3 starts on the third piece. None of which have been The One. I finally saw something in paper that spoke to me and I began all over again.
Looks simple.....doesn't it?
So the next thing was to draw the pictures.
I have to say....I'm a bit on a time line and stayed with what I know....cartoons. And, I even used some to the pictures....modified a bit....from the quilt. But overall I'm pretty satisfied with how it's turning out.
I have lots of wildflower books and I perused them looking for ideas.
Then I began to draw my cartoons.
I suppose this looks familiar....but the size and colors have been changed.
After several ideas I settled on these:
Next I decided on colors and cut out my patterns. I needed new greens...I'd used alot on my T-Shirt in the class. So a few yards of silk in the crockpot.
And then this came out:
It wasn't dark enough...so I did another piece.....and another piece. Each had enough dark but more light....but since I only want small bits...I went with it.
Here is a close up of one section ....a bit fuzzy I'm afraid.
I also am afraid that it is almost 10pm and it's time for me to Hit the Hay as they say in the States.
That's it for this time....Not sure how much further I can take this if it is going to be in a show. .... I love when bloggers leave things undone and you must wait for the next installment. Perhaps I should make this one of those teasers.
Nighty night.... =-)