New Look

December 19, 2010

December Is The Busiest Time

I haven't been visiting blog land much, except to view and occasionally leave a comment. 
I've been felting and hand stitching .... but I can't show too much.  Most are gifts for family.
I did manage to take the dog to the beach.
It was quite cold but no frost.  Beezer ran up and down near but avoiding the surf.  He chased seaweed as it blew across the sand.  I counted starfish and threw the live ones back in. 
I got my boots wet
And then went home.  It was a great way to clear the mind, breath fresh air and remember that the Season is more than the Mall.  
I'd like to see the Lunar Eclipse on the Winter Solstice.  But it looks like it might snow.
I got a little package from Heike last week.  She offered to do a swap.  

Will be doing some hand stitching and more felting after the Holiday. And I will be sure to include some of this.

Merry Solstice.